What Carbon Neutral means for your business


But what does that mean for you, our customers, and your Carbon Neutral status? We’ve put together some more information, and some handy wording you can use when talking about your products and business.

Why bother aiming for Carbon Neutral?

Protecting the planet is an important responsibility for all of us to share. After the COP26 summit, we were inspired to find ways to reduce our environmental impact as a micro business.

In our day-to-day business, we choose materials responsibly, including sustainable European plywood. And we aim to reuse as much packaging as possible, to reduce the need for new packaging.

But we’re still producing some carbon. Carbon is produced by materials we use, shipping, and the electricity we use, for example.

That’s why we signed up with Carbon Neutral Britain, who offset those extra carbon emissions by planting trees.

What does that mean for our customers?

For you, this means that any products you have made with us are carbon neutral – hooray! We’re not adding to your carbon footprint, which is something we’re really proud of.

But your business is likely still producing carbon through other activities. So we can’t tell you that you’re carbon neutral. (More on what you can do about that in a minute.)

Here’s some wording you can use about your products made by Bespoke Laser UK:

  • This (product) is made with the help of a certified carbon neutral manufacturer right here in the UK.
  • Our supplier for our (products) is certified carbon neutral.
  • This (product) is made from sustainable European plywood, and made for us by a certified carbon neutral manufacturer in the UK.

Pop these in your product descriptions or on care cards to reassure your customers about their environmental impact!

What steps can you take to be carbon neutral in your business?

I highly recommend reading about Carbon Neutral Britain to discover more about how you can offset your carbon emissions. They’re a Non-Government Organisation, working within regulations to plant trees and offset carbon production to restore balance to the environment.

They share:

“In 2019, a YouGov study of over 9000 consumers found that they were 67% more likely to choose a product or service from a business that is taking action on climate change and the environment.

“In 2020, a Neilsen study also found 66% of all consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands. This figure is even higher for millennials (73%) and Gen Z (72%).”

Find out more about Carbon Neutral Britain here.

We would love to hear what you are doing for your small business? Do you reuse your packaging? Or have any new ideas to help reduce your impact on our climate?

Get in touch via instagram @bespokelaseruk to keep the #carbonneutral chat going.

Thanks for reading!

Laura & Team

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