Ultimate Guide: Dot Peen Marking Systems


· Stamping Industry

The stamping industry is one of the hardest-hitting metal-forming processes that use many metal parts, especially aluminum. In this process, a steel die hits a blank repeatedly until the desired shape is achieved. The blanks are often pressed from sheet or ingot stock at high pressure, which causes them to have distortions or uneven markings

To avoid such unwanted conditions in the finished products, the dot peen marking tool is used in this industry to mark identification marks on the blanks before they are formed. Once these markings are imprinted on the surface of the blank, they will become noticeable when stamped products are examined under proper lighting conditions after the finishing process.

· Rolling Industries

Dot peen marking system also apply in rolling mills to mark identification marks on the rolled metal sheets. Among other marking systems, dot peen marking is the most preferred. It can help manufacturers transfer information more specifically on the surface of the finished product without leaving any visible impression of markings. The only drawback of using dot peen marking system in the rolling industry is that they can damage or remove the surface of the metal.

· Purchasing Industry

In this industry, dot peen machines are suitable for marking identification marks on metal raw materials transported into the factories from suppliers and vendors for further processing. This helps manufacturers review delivery receipts, catalogs, or purchase orders to look up original orders and avoid possible mistakes.

· Manufacturing Industry

The dot peen marking system is applicable in engraving identification marks on various metal components before undergoing further manufacturing processes, including casting or forging, machining, or forming. This avoids mistakes in product-level inventorying and helps manufacturers easily maintain proper control of their products.

· Electrical Industry

The dot peen marking system creates identification marks on various metal electrical components before assembling them into different electrical devices. As a result, they help avoid any mistakes during the assembly process. Furthermore, during repair, markings on each part that makes up the electronic ensure that the repairer uses the right component instead of blindly searching for other parts that could also fit in by accident.

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