Retired Welding Robot Picks Up Side Hustle As CNC Router


Robots have come a long way since the late 90s, but who says they can’t learn new tricks? In fact, one industrial beast from that era has been repurposed in an unexpected way: as a giant CNC router. The ABB IRB6400, a six-axis, floor-mounted industrial machine that previously had a long career welding at a Eurorail factory in Austria, was acquired by hobbyist Brian Brocken. After fixing and upgrading the robot’s controller, Brian was able to bring the machine back to life and use it to carve foam blocks into complex shapes. This build seems to be a significant escalation from Brian’s previous large-format CNC machine, and one can’t help but wonder what interesting projects he has in store for this new tool. How did Brian manage to repurpose this old robot, what other potential uses could there be for industrial robots beyond their original purpose, and what other obsolete technologies could be given a new lease on life with some DIY tinkering?

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Exxon’s New ‘Advanced Recycling’ Plant Raises Environmental Concerns

Image Source – Wikipedia

ExxonMobil has recently opened one of the largest chemical recycling plants in North America at its petrochemical refinery complex in Baytown, Texas. While chemical recycling is hailed as an innovative and environmentally friendly solution to the global plastic crisis, critics warn that such facilities are dangerous and actually do little to stop plastic waste from ending up in landfills and the ocean. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that chemical recycling is worse for the environment than traditional mechanical recycling in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and water use. ExxonMobil’s Baytown facility uses pyrolysis, an energy-intensive process that generates hazardous pollutants, and which many environmental advocates argue is not true recycling. How much impact will ExxonMobil’s chemical recycling facility have on the environment, is it a distraction from the need to reduce plastic production, as critics suggest, and are there alternative solutions that companies like ExxonMobil could pursue instead?

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Carbon Robotics Bags $30m To Fight The War On Weeds With Autonomous Laser Bots

Image Source – Carbon Robotics

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Image Source – Nexperia

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Image Source – Pixabay

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Hardware Engineering News

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Image Source – PixaBay

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Image Source – Samsung

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Image Source – MIT

MIT researchers have developed an updated version of their trajectory-planning system called Robust MADER that allows drones to safely work together in the same airspace without crashing into each other. This new system is able to generate collision-free trajectories even when there are delays in communications between agents. The researchers hope to test the system outdoors and outfit drones with visual sensors to detect obstacles and optimize trajectory planning. How scalable is Robust MADER, and can it be used in larger-scale operations such as delivery drones, how will visual sensors improve the system’s efficiency and safety, and will this technology be widely adopted?

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Hardware R&D News

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Image Source – Takao Someya Research Group

Wearable technology has revolutionized the way we monitor our health, with smartwatches and fitness trackers becoming increasingly popular, however, their discomfort and limited compatibility with our bodies can be a persistent issue. This is where electronic skin technology comes in, an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize health monitoring by providing a more comfortable and seamless experience. What are the key components of electronic skin technology, what are some of the latest developments in this field, and how is electronic skin technology being used to enhance prosthetics and skin grafts?

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Fully Recyclable Printed Electronics Produced Using Water Instead Of Toxic Chemicals

Image Source – Jason Arthurs Photography

Duke University engineers have made a ground-breaking announcement that could change the way electronics are produced and recycled. They have developed the world’s first fully recyclable printed electronics that use water instead of hazardous chemicals in the fabrication process. The new method was led by electrical/computer engineering professor Aaron Franklin and his team. By using carbon-based inks of semiconducting carbon nanotubes, conductive graphene, and insulating nanocellulose, they created fully functional, fully recyclable, and water-based transistors. This breakthrough could revolutionize the manufacturing process for electronic components, such as screens and displays. How will the new technology change the electronics industry, what are the implications for electronic waste management, what challenges remain in adapting the new process to other electronic components?

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Open-Source Hardware News

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Image Source – linuxgizmos

ThePiHut has introduced the open-source Watchy ePaper smartwatch, powered by an ESP32 module, featuring a range of peripherals such as a 3-axis accelerometer, vibration motor, LiPo battery connector, and many other features. The device comes with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, a 1.54″ ePaper display with 200 x 200 resolution, and also features a Bosch IMU optimized for wearable applications and a motion-triggered interrupt. The product page lists various documentation including a Watchy Wiki page and a GitHub repository. What are the key features of Watchy that make it stand out from other smartwatches in the market, how does the device’s open-source nature impact the user experience, and can users customize the device beyond what is available on the product page?

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