New 3D Printer Extruder Prints Over 1KG Of Material Per Hour


3D printers have demonstrated themselves to be vital in the field of rapid prototyping thanks to their use of additive manufacturing, low-cost operation, and ability to create complex 3D structures. While technologies such as SLA can produce designs at high speed, the most commonly available printer technology, FDM, has been historically a painstakingly slow process. However, a 3D printing technology company, Veda 3D (Netherlands), has recently announced their latest FDM 3D printer extruder that is capable of printing up to 1KG of material per hour. What challenges do FDM printers face, what can the new extruder do, and how can it help engineers?

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Breakthrough In Motor Design Expected To Power Industries In Japan

Image Source – electrichybridvehicletechnology

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Image Source – enterpriseiotinsights

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Image Source – Evonik

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Image Source – iotworldtoday

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Image Source – tesla

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Image Source – electrek

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Image Source – Frontiers

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Hardware R&D News

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Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego

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ISRO Develops Microprocessor-Controlled, Intelligent Artificial Limb

Image Source – ISRO

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Image Source – Kickstarter

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