Laser Ing marks 5 years of successful business | Service Metal Cutting Center


Laser Engineering’s business path is another example in practice, how with a clear idea, knowledge, dedicated work and professional staff, very ambitious ideas can be implemented in a relatively short time; like become the leading Croatian metal cutting center with more than 1,000 regular customers, dispose with top innovative technologies and export over 50% of the services.

In mid-July this year, the company marks five years of business and it is appropriate to recall how it all started and which key factors led to us becoming the leading company in metal cutting branch on the Croatian market.


Reflection on the growth and development of Laser Ing in the past five years

Laser Ing started modestly in July 2014 with nine employees in the rented business space and one laser metal cutting machine. Despite the humble beginnings, what segregates the company from others was a great dedication to each customer.

Bringing customer demands into the focus of the business, from the very beginning, has been a key factor for successful and fast business expansion.

„The order processing speed, the quality of metalworking, the compliance with the marking standards and the packing of positions; along with respecting the delivery deadlines, is the minimum for every company that is serious about this business. “- was a frequent statement by Laser Ing, Director Anđelko Kaščela during internal team meetings.


In the next two years (2015 – 2016), the company is progressively growing, new professionals are joined, investments are made in education, new technology and marketing towards the foreign market. Great attention is paid to business and professional networking. All this contributes to the realization of the leading position in the laser metal cutting branch in Croatia. But there’s more to it as well.

Due to the growth in demand regarding other metal cutting technologies, such as water cutting, plasma and autogenic cutting, the management defines the company development plan for the coming years, summarized in the text of the company’s vision:

„Our vision is to be the preferred service center for metalworking whose quality, reliability and professionalism are recognized by customers and business partners from the region and the EU.“


In the last two years (2017 – 2018), we’re actively working on the implementation of strategies that are needed to implement the vision. Decisions are made regarding the construction of our own production plant along with an administrative building. The planning of our own ERP solution for a more transparent and efficient business has been set in motion.
A new production management section has been formed. The former DOK-ING cutting workshop was taken over with all the employees and the entire machine park. The machine park has been expanded with several new machines: the most advanced Bystronic fiber dynamic laser cutter, Bystronic brand bender, water cutter, autogenous cutting machine. A new business management department has been formed with key customers.


Things we are particularly proud of

Today, in 2019, five years since the foundation, the vision was achieved. Laser Ing employs a total of 46 employees in its own production facility and an administrative building on 1,100 m2. Furthermore it is planning to realize an annual revenue of 4.1 million euros. A branch office in Austria was established due to the growing number of clients and the growth in demand for services from the Austrian market.

„The Vision of Laser Ing as well as the values on which the company has grown are best shown in the new promotional video that just wants to show the perfectionism of classical music performance with the teamwork of our departments as well as production workers while planning, manufacturing and delivering positions that are an integral part of the top products of some of our esteemed customers, “said Anđelko Kaščel.

During the recent recording of our video, we hosted the Croatian Chamber Musicians who performed the song “Jelacic march” by the great Viennese classicist and composer Johann Strauss I. in our production hall. Jelacic march culturally joins Europe and Zagreb; and with its rhythmic and melodic structure fits perfectly with our vision.


What are the future plans of Laser Ing?

From the very beginning of the company, the idea was to operate and position ourselves on a developed and well-regulated western economy market. Today, we export over 50% of our services to the EU market and the aim is to reach 60% in the next two years. Certainly, another aim is to keep the leading position in metal cutting services on the national market but also to provide added value to our customers with complementary services; in order to present a complete service and increase the value through each new business.

Due to this kind of approach, the development of our own product will surely emerge as a result of the closure of the entire production process.


We thank all our employees, customers, suppliers and business partners for being an important part of our growth and development in the past five years of our business; thus contributing to the realization of our vision.


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