Is AI-Generated Code Illegal?


AI has presented mankind with numerous possibilities ranging from predictive maintenance to image recognition, but as advanced in AI continue, researchers are finding more unusual ways to leverage AI. With Microsoft continuing its journey to pursue its use of OpenAI to generate code, one programmer and lawyer in the US has launched a lawsuit against Microsoft for its development. Why has the lawyer launched this lawsuit, is there any merit in it, and could this be problematic for future Ais?

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How The IoT Industry Can Make Shipping More Efficient

Image Source – iotbusinessnews

The IoT industry has proven to be a massive asset to almost all sectors it touches, and even areas of industry that have historically been resistant to technological change have now started to adopt IoT solutions. But one industry that arguably stands the most to gain, shipping and logistics, still seems to be struggling to integrate IoT solutions. What challenges does the shipping industry face, how could IoT solutions drastically help efficiency, and where could the future of IoT shipping go?

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IoT Connectivity Key To Managing Fast-Growing EV Infrastructure

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EV charging stations are a critical piece of infrastructure that enables for EVs to be deployed en mass, but while these charging stations are vital, they are far from being used efficiently. Just as every other industry touched by IoT technologies is instantly improved, the EV charging market also faces numerous possibilities if IoT technologies are adopted and can include features such as advanced charging techniques, advanced payment methods, and predictive maintenance of charging stations. What challenges does the EV charging market face, how can IoT help, and what businesses are looking to deploy IoT technologies into EV chargers?

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Will The Semiconductor Chip Shortage Morph Into Over-Supply & Tumbling Prices?

Image Source – Ponoko

Many industries worldwide are still struggling to purchase adequate semiconductor stocks to enable them to manufacture a sufficient product to meet customer demand. Prime among these industries are car makers who are feeling the effects of the car chip shortage. But while semiconductor manufacturers continue to catch up with demand, it is possible that the industry could overshoot and produce too many semiconductors resulting in tumbling prices. What challenges has the semiconductor industry faced, how have semiconductor companies coped with these challenges, and could prices tumble in the near future?

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Apple Chip Maker TSMC To Manufacture Tesla’s New FSD Hardware

Image Source – notateslaapp

Tesla has developed some impressive technologies over the last decade including advanced AI algorithms, self-driving systems, and new battery designs. But as Tesla continues to work towards full-self-driving vehicles, the need for custom silicon has become abundantly clear, and Tesla has now selected TSMC as their foundry for the next generation of FSD hardware platforms. What challenges does FSD present, why did Tesla choose TSMC, and where will this technology lead?

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Hardware Engineering News

The 13.5 Million Core Computer

Image Source – hackaday

Having a dual or quad-core CPU is not very exotic these days and CPUs with 12 or even 16 cores aren’t that rare. The Andromeda from Cerebras, however, is a supercomputer with 13.5 million cores, and the maker claims it is one of the largest AI supercomputers ever built (but not the largest) and can perform 120 Petaflops of “dense compute.” What challenges does AI present, who designed the Cerebras, and how does it help with AI applications?

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Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Discover New Laws Of Physics?

Image Source – New Scientist

AI is an extremely powerful tool, and has the amazing ability to analyse massive amounts of data to infer some of the most bizarre, yet accurate, correlations. This has led researchers to develop extremely powerful predictive systems that can identify potential structural weaknesses, failing motors, and dangerous environments. But some believe that AI could even be used to discover new laws of physics, and in this article published by New Scientist, Raymond Biesinger explores this possibility.

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Making Cyber Ransom Payments Unlawful Would Help Boards

Image Source – wikipedia

Ransomware has become one of the dominant cyberattacks in recent years thanks to the developments of encryption algorithms, cryptocurrencies, and the widespread integration of computing systems. Interestingly, ransomware is highly effective and profitable because those who create ransomware programs do indeed unlock files once payment has been made (this builds a level of trust between the attacker and the victim). But there are some proposing that the payment of ransomware should be made illegal, and this could potentially shutdown such attacks. What challenges does ransomware present, should its payment be made illegal, and are there any ramifications to this?

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Hardware R&D News

New Material Could Replace Lead In Many Energy Storage Devices

Image Source – oilprice

Batteries are an essential component in modern electronics and come in many different varieties depending on the application. In many cases, the chemical nature of batteries requires the use of reactive compounds such as Lithium and lead which can make them dangerous to the environment as well as to human health. Recognising the challenges faced by lead in batteries, a team of researchers have recently developed a new material that may be able to replace lead in such applications. What challenges does lead present, what is the material made from, and how can it replace lead in batteries?

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Mitsubishi Tests Automated Robotic Valet Parking System Using Robots

Image Source – Mitsubishi

Trying to find a parking space can be a nightmare, especially if there are bad drivers that either ignore the lines or park at odd angles. Furthermore, parked cars need to have access to either side, and not only does this introduce the risk of damage from others opening their doors, but also reduces the total number of cars that can fit in a given area. Recognising the challenges faced with parking, Mitsubishi is working on a robotic valet system that can store vehicles in tight spaces with no human intervention. What challenges does parking introduce, how does the robot valet work, and could such systems be integrated into public spaces?

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Open-Source Hardware News

Turn Old Bottles Into 3D Printing Filament

Image Source – goodnewsnetwork

Plastic waste continues to cause environmental damage despite the vast majority of plastic being labelled as recycled. To make matters worse, thermoplastics such as ABS and PET are easy to clean, grind down, and reuse in injection moulding processes. Recognising the challenges faced by waste plastic, James Dyson decided to create a machine that can turn plastic bottles into 3D printing filaments, and instead of patenting the design, decided to give it to the world for free. How does his machine work, where can the designs be found, and how do you make one?

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