Conveyor Belt 3D Printing Start-Up iFactory3D Completes Funding Round


Two challenges faced by 3D printers are that their build areas are fixed in size (as a result of using a fixed build plate) and that completed parts need to be manually removed from the build plate. One solution to this problem is to use conveyor belt 3D printers which can print objects directly onto a conveyor belt which not only allows for infinitely long objects (in a specific axis), but also allows for automation whereby parts fall off the end of the conveyor (hence allowing for more parts to be printed). Recognising the advantages presented by conveyor belt 3D printers, iFactory3D has recently completed a round of funding to help develop new technologies for such printers. What challenges do 3D printers face, who is iFactory3D, and what specifications does their printer have?

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Image Source – Shutterstock

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Image Source – Maker Go

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