Angels in Our Backyards-A Peek-a-Boo Project


This is Jon David Lowe for Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts, I have always love the song, One of Us, by Joan Osborn, because it reminds us that angels are among us. I like to think we have all the divine within us, the ability to choose good over evil, to be positive in our interactions, to treat others as we wish to be treated. I am not trying to get in a huge theological discussion, my faith is a simple one, modeled in grace, and elevated in love for others. These are the inspirations for this artwork.

1.  Gather Supplies.

2.  Use Crayons to Randomly Distress (2) Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Little Niche Scalloped

3.  Add Further Distress with Permanent Ink and a Wood Grain Texture Plate.

4.  Paint (2) GSLCuts-Little Niche Scalloped with Watercolors.

5.  Fill in Empty Spaces With TH Distress Stains.

6.  Add Texture and a Aged look with a Fan Paintbrush and DecoArt Terra Cotta Shale Green and Red Clay Textured Acrylic Paint.

7.  Add Another Layer with Fan Paintbrush and Golden Blue Lagoon and Titan Green Pale Acrylic Paint.

8.  Fold up Bottom Portion of GSLCuts-Little Niche Scalloped.

9.  Print Resized Copies of Prints of your Choosing- I Used Angels and Backyard Pictures.

10.                Cut to Size with Scissors and Glue to Cavity with a UHU Gluestick.

11.                Shape Bottom Portion of Niche and Glue Together with Heavy Matt Gel Medium.

12.                Hold Into With Clamps.

13.                Add Premium Gemstones To front Portion Of Scalloped Niche with Ranger Glossy Accents.

14.                Paint Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Petal Corners with FolkArt Matte Design Cream Gold.

15.                Once Dry Use Heavy Matte Gel Medium to Glue to Top Portion of Scalloped Niche.

16.                Cut DIY Modern Mini Repositionable Tile Stickers and Attach Where you Feel Best.

17.                Make a Stain of DecoArt Matte Varnish Medium and Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold.

18.                Use Ranger Glossy Accents to Add Collected Bits and Bobbins to Niche Frame.

19.                Use Heavy Matt Gel Medium to Glue to Add Collected Bits and Bobbins to Niche Cavity.

20.                Antique Bits and Bobbins using Metallic and Green Gold Paint.

21.                Use Weldbond to Glue Top Portion Frame of GSLC of GSLCuts-Little Niche Scalloped to Bottom Cavity.

Some Final Thoughts.

A few years ago there were two  movements-Do Random Acts of Kindness and Pay it Forward.  One ask the recipient to pay the act of kindness forward-“Do onto others as I have done to you”-the other remains random and anonymous.   I see these as ways for us to be mindful of those that come into our circle of communication, these good deeds can show the other person compassion and empathy. The gestures can be done out of the goodness of the person’s heart. with zero expectation of reciprocation.  A kind word and treating others with kindness costs us nothing but we can brighten their world for that moment and it cheers our soul too.

 Another song I feel helps emphasize this idea of “Angels in Our Backyards” is Hands by Jewel.  

 Supplies:  (2) Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Little Niche Scalloped,  Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts-Petal Corners, Crayons, Permanent Ink, Wood Grain Texture Plate, Watercolors, Paintbrush, TH Distress Stains of Your Choosing, DecoArt Terra Cotta Shale Green and Red Clay Textured Acrylic Paint, Golden Blue Lagoon and Titan Green Pale Acrylic Paint,  Fan Paintbrush, Resized Copies of Prints of your Choosing- I Used Angels and Backyard Pictures, Scissors, UHU Gluestick, Heavy Gel Matte Medium, Clamps, Ranger Glossy Accents, Premium Gemstones, FolkArt Matte Design Cream Gold, DIY Modern Mini Repositionable Tile Stickers, DecoArt Matte Varnish Medium, Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold, Collected Bits and Bobbins,  Metallic, Green Gold Paint, Weldbond

I cannot wait to see your interpretation of this project. Share it on the Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts Craft Group Page on Facebook. I would love to see what new creations you are working on!


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