Ally Is Building A Dead-Simple, No-Code Robot Arm


Robotics play a critical role in the world of industrial processes and manufacturing thanks to their ability to rapidly perform repetitive tasks at speed. But while robotic platforms can be highly beneficial, they are often extremely expensive to purchase and difficult to code requiring inverse kinematics and closed-loop feedback systems to ensure that the robot is able to account for unexpected variations. Recognising the challenges faced by robotic systems, Ally Robotics is developing a robotic platform that is not only dead simple, but also requires no coding whatsoever to control and deploy. What challenges do robotic systems face, how does Ally Robotics aim to solve this, and how would no-code robots change the world?

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Image Source – Stability AI

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BT Collaborates On The Use Of Robotics And IoT To Transform And Automate Agriculture

Image Source – suasnews

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Autonomous Truck Company Kodiak Moves Supplies To IKEA Frisco

Image Source – Kodiak

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SpaceX Rolls Out Starlink Aviation Product For Satellite Internet To Private Jets

Image Source – SpaceX

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Hardware Engineering News

Tesla To Remove Ultrasonic Sensors, A Recipe For Disaster?

Image Source – Tesla

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4 Cybersecurity Considerations For Smart Factories

Image Source – Wikipedia

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11 More Crash Deaths Are Linked To Automated-Tech Vehicles

Image Source – apnews

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Hardware R&D News

MIT Researchers Develop General Optimiser Tool For Any Autonomous Robotic System

Image Source – MIT

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3D Printing With A Drone Swarm

Image Source – hackaday

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Open-Source Hardware News

Google’s Open Source KataOS Operating System Supports RISC-V Architecture

Image Source – breakinglatest

RISC-V is a promising processor architecture thanks to its open-source nature, allowing engineers to develop their own implementations of the processor while keeping all unique RISC-V designs code compatible. But while RISC-V has seen massive strides in development, it still lacks in the field of software support due to its young age. Recently, Google announced that it has made its KataOS available on GitHub while also announcing support for RISC-V platforms. What challenges does RISC-V face, what is KataOS, and how will it help the deployment of RISC-V?

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