Bespoke Whisky Barrel Cask End Clock for Whisky Hammer


This beautiful, bespoke whisky barrel cask end clock is the perfect addition to any whisky lover’s collection!

Hand crafted by Faitmaiz from an authentic whisky barrel cask end, this clock is the perfect addition to any home and a great way to create a bespoke branded conversation piece for your business.  The natural wood grain and contrasting numerals give it a rustic look with a contemporary twist that looks amazing.

Made specifically for Whisky Hammer, we at The Altered State provided the laser cut white acrylic roman numerals and engraved the Whisky Hammer logo in to the rustic oak lid before Faitmaiz finished with their own unique blend of oils to create a unique and stylish addition to the Whisky Hammer work space.

Get in touch to discuss how you can customise your own unique time piece.


To learn more about Faitmaiz, click here.  To visit the Whisky Hammer auction site, click here.

#whisky #whiskyauction #instagood #drinks #handmade #homedecor #giftideas #laserengraved #thelaserguy #laserengravedgifts #whiskybarrel #whiskybarrelfurniture #custommadefurniture #whiskey #whiskyclock #barrelclock #oakbarrel #oakclock #handcraftedinscotland #handmadeinscotland #whiskyfan #scottishwhisky 

@faitmaiz @whiskyhammer

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