On Gilded Wings by Rachel Harries



This week I have used a combination of products that not only can you find on the website but you will also be able to catch for the first time on Create and Craft TV today Monday 15th August at 15:00 (BST). For this piece Ive used the Steam Punk String alongs, the Little Crowns and the Robyn Layered Frame.
I started off by casting the moulds I wanted to use
I then made up the Robyn Layered Frame when I was layering up I also included what could be seen as the waste from the two pieces and used that to build the frame up further.
I created me base with some packaging Card, In really enjoying using packing card in all kinds of projects at the moment. I used a stencil and some texture paste on the background.
I then decided where to place the various elements and gave it all a good coat of gesso before giving everything a good coat of gesso and then painting and a bit of metallic wax.

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