Earth Day 2024 – Bespoke Laser UK


Earth Day 2024

Recently we’ve seen a big shift in customers being actively eco conscious and looking to businesses to provide eco-friendly options and ensure they are eco conscious themselves. On Earth day we anted to write about things that we do every day to work towards being a better business for our planet.

Earth day image

From stores popping up all around the UK over the last few years. where you can refill empty bottles full of spices to soap and protests asking the government to take climate change seriously.

We’ve always felt we’ve done ‘our bit’ but now we’re looking to do more.

Things we already do:

  • The machinery we’ve chosen has all been selected for the manufacturers sustainable ethos, efficient running and low energy consumption
  • We reuse ALL packaging material that comes in to us, it means we reduce our packaging costs and nothing gets wasted.. even boxes that don’t fit things in for posting, we cut them up and use it to protect items
  • We turn lights off when an area of the workshop isn’t in use, same goes for machinery and computers
  • All of the wood we use is sustainable and our suppliers hold the certification, any waste is recycled
  • Working with suppliers that are in a 50 mile radius for our plywood and even closer for our solid wood
  • Waste is minimal, we keep any offcuts to be used as much as possible or donate shapes to craft clubs and schools
  • Walking to work, where possible our staff walk to work
  • All our waste is recycled, plastic bottles, tins, anything that can be.. is!!
  • Using delivery companies that are committed to cutting carbon emissions
  • Limit printing on paper, we don’t send printed invoices or delivery notes
  • All compliment slips are printed on recycled pulp card stock
  • Insulated our machinery area to avoid excessively using electrical heaters
  • We wrap parcels in brown paper where possible and use paper alternatives to bubble wrap and sticky tape.
  • We are carbon neutral! We pay to offset the carbon we use and plant 360 trees a year.

carbon neutral certified

What do you do to be eco conscious in your business?

We’d love to hear about anything you do that isn’t on our list so we can look to implement that too!

We would like to try:

  • When we run out of cleaning products purchase natural cleaning products from refill shops
  • Continue to look for ways to recycle acrylic used and use recycled acrylic where possible
  • Talk about our responsibility and commitment more to spread awareness where we can

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