Double Sided Coins-A Peek-a-Boo Projection


In early spring, March through April, billions of birds migrate back into the United States from their southern wintering grounds. These birds are teaching for nesting locations for breeding season, with abundant food sources. In the United States the bird most associated with our coinage is our bald eagle, but around the world there are other coins with birds on them. Usually when tossing coins, you want a two-sided coin that are different. For these trick coins, tails side always wins. They are the inspiration for this artwork.

  1. Gather Supplies.
  2. Glue GSLC Artist Trading Coins to Magazine Pictures Using a UHU GlueStick.
  3. Once Dry, Take a Damp Cloth to Rub Around Coin Edges. Gently press out coins.
  4. Use a Nail File to Sand Edges.
  5. Use Highlighters on Edges of Sanded Coins.
  6. Seal With Matte Gel Medium.
  7. Search Through Antiquarian Sticker Books for Desirable Stickers and UHU GlueStick to Create Compositions.
  8. Use Assortment of Green Acrylic Paints and Dry Brush Technique on GSLC Fern Fronds.
  9. Spray with Cheap Hair Spray and Sprinkle on Iridescent Glitter.
  10.  Cut Apart Fern Fronds and Secure to GSLC ATC Coins Using WeldBond Glue.
  11.  Press Flat with a Weighted Object.
  12.  Use Polymer Clay Leaf and Flower Molds to Make Additional Embellishments.
  13. Use Mica Powders and an MakeupBrush to Add Shimmer to the Pieces.
  14.  Cure as Directed on Package in a Polymer Clay Oven.
  15. Once Cooled Add Clay Embellishments to Prepared Coins.
  16.  Add Patina Using Colored Pencils and Seal with Cheap Hair Spray.

Final Thoughts

One cannot talk about coins without mentioning the Witcher. Toss A Coin To Your Witcher, is such a catchy tune. Just as we all know there are two sides to a coin There are two sides to every story.

Besides the American Eagle being featured on many of our coins, there is a Cuban Coin with a Hummingbird on it, UK Farthings with Wrens, Russian Federation Ruble wit a Two-Headed Eagle, a mythological bird, the Simurgh, on the Iranian Rials,  Australia has coins with a lyre burn and an emu on them, The Canadian Loonie coin has a loon on it, and at one time they had a River Dollar Flying Goose coin. I am sure there are others but these re the one I discovered during my research. 

For Migrating Birds there are two most prominent seasons, Spring and Autumn, and two lands where they call home. While not all birds migrate and have adapted to survive the cold winter, many do. Some may only migrate a few hundred miles to escape the worst of the winter weather and food shortage, others  wile other may fly thousands of miles.  The Arctic Tern fly more than 49,000 miles round-trip each year  from their breeding grounds in the Arctic to winter foraging areas in the waters off Antartica.

Supplies:  GSLC Artist Trading Coins,  GSLC Fern Fronds, Antiquarian Sticker Books, UHU GlueStick, Magazine Pictures, With cloth, Nail File, Highlighters, Matte Gel Medium, Paintbrush, Assortment of Green Acrylic Paints, Cheap Hair Spray, Iridescent Glitter, WeldBond Glue, Polymer Clay, Leaf and Flower Molds, Mica Powders, MakeupBrush, Polymer Clay Oven, Colored Pencils

I cannot wait to see your interpretation of this project. Share it on the Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts Craft Group Page on Facebook. I would love to see what new creations you are working on!

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