Are You Overdoing it with Your Skincare?


While there is nothing wrong with having a multi-step skincare routine, it doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll have better or healthier skin. Adding product after product, despite glowing reviews from influencers or content creators, cannot solve all your skin woes. It can also backfire, as using lots of products can lead to more or aggravated concerns.

4 Signs You’re Going Overboard with Your Skincare

Continue reading as our aesthetic clinic in Singapore shares the signs you are going overboard with your skincare and might want to scale back.

1. New skin issues are popping up

If you, for instance, have oily skin and gather several products that can control shine and grease, you might later be dealing with dry skin due to product overuse. Overcorrecting might also lead to acne, irritation, and exacerbated problems. There is also the issue of unknowingly combining or using active ingredients that cancel out each other or don’t work well together.  

Take note: You may sometimes break out while using a new skincare product or brand. This is called skin purging, which Is the skin’s reaction to certain active ingredients that accelerate skin cell turnover. This is different from a normal breakout as a blemish/pimple from purging heals faster and usually doesn’t leave scarring.

2. Your skin is irritated and/or inflamed

Exposing your skin to lots of products, especially those that are harsh and don’t mix well, can lead to negative reactions. Using too many products or applying skincare more often than regular can be too much for your skin and can damage your skin barrier and throw off the balance of your skin’s pH. 

Redness and irritation are the most obvious signs that you’re going overboard. And with off-balanced pH, you can also notice dryness, itching, and inflammation. Slight changes in pH are okay as your skin adjusts to a new product, but do take note that prolonged use of extremely acidic or alkaline products can compromise the skin’s pH and make it prone to damage and infection.

3. You can’t keep up or stick to your routine

Life can sometimes get in the way and motivations sometimes fade. Having an ambitious or multi-step care routine can be hard to stick to or keep up with, especially if you have a busy lifestyle. If you are struggling to follow all the steps you originally established or use all the products you have, it is better to scale back. 

Do take note that consistency is essential in skincare. The products you’re using need to penetrate the skin’s deeper layer while your skin eventually becomes used to the ingredients. If you are skipping products, missing days, or confused with the right order of application, you are likely overwhelmed with your routine. It is best to stick to a three- or four-step regimen you can do every day, instead of 10 or more steps. 

4. You cannot continuously afford your products

Another sign that you’re going overboard is not being able to consistently afford the products you are using. If you skip products or cannot immediately replace them if they run out, then it’s not manageable for you. It is better to scale it down and just focus on a few high-quality products instead of various low-quality formulas.

Keep in mind that you can still protect and keep your skin healthy with a minimal approach. In addition, simplifying your routine can save you a lot and reduce the risk of irritation. Just make sure to choose products that are right for your skin type and don’t forget to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen regularly.

How Cutis can help

At Cutis Medical Laser Clinics, we have several non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures that can solve your skin woes. Whether you’re worried about pigmentation, wrinkles, scarring, sagging skin, or dull complexion, we can help. We have chemical peels, laser treatments, energy-based procedures, and more that can transform your skin.

The main reward of going to see a skin or aesthetic doctor for your skin woes is that you can professionally treat the product without having to apply or try multiple skincare. You can effectively manage your concerns and be able to limit the products you’re using. You can also see more visible results faster, which can then elevate your confidence.  

If you have skin issues that are making you self-conscious or need help in building a skincare regimen that is right for you, get in touch with us. Contact Cutis Medical Laser Clinics in Singapore and schedule a consultation with one of our aesthetic doctors.

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