Bird Lantern 1-A Peek-a-Boo Project


I’ve written about my fascination of birds in many of my blog posts before. From Walks in Woods-A Christmas Story, “He hears a chirping nearby and lolls up to have a dusting of snow fall upon his already frozen face.He sees the first chickadee of the day. The boy believes them the best of the snowbirds because they look like antique graying barns that stood whitewashed once brand new.  Read the rest of the story by clicking on the hyperlink above. 

A while back I was gifted a collection of ephemera with a variety or bird items among them, then another thoughtful  friend sent me a cloth calendar from 1987 that also featured birds upon it. This reminded me of one of the treasures I took from our ole homestead in Pennsylvania.It is a Vintage Bamboo Scroll Calendar we would get each year from R. S. Fought and Sons, a feed store where we would pick up our chicken feed. These are the inspirations 

for this artwork.

  1. Gather Supplies.

  2. Cover GSLC Catweed Shape Set with White, Gray, Pale Green and Quinacridone Nickel AZO Gold Acrylic Paints Randomly with a Paintbrush.
  3. Apply Pearlescent Glitter while Wet so Paste acts Like an Adhesive.  Allow to Dry Fully.
  4. Cover GSLC Fern Fronds with Pale Green and Quinacridone Nickel AZO Gold, Green Gold, Radiant Yellow and Color Shift Green Acrylic Paints Randomly with a Paintbrush.
  5. Apply Pearlescent Glitter while Wet so Paste acts Like an Adhesive.  Allow to Dry Fully.
  6. Paint Swing part  of GSLC Bird on a Swing Shape Set with Copper and Gold Paints.
  7. Paint Bird Part of GSLC Bird on a Swing Shape Set with Gray, White, Tan, Yellow Acrylic Paints.
  8. Use Adhesive Foam Circles of Various Sizes to Adhere Your Painted and Prepared Parts. Allow to Dry Fully.

  9. Add a bit of Moss and a Battery Operated Tea Light to Inside of Decorated Metal Lantern.

Final Thoughts: 

Lately I’ve been wishing my days away, wanting t change the pages on the  calendar, trying to get to summer. It’s not that I mind the cold or the winter season. I want this school year in particular to be over. I have a a few good classes and exceptional students in all of them, but a few have broken my spirit and taken away the joy of teaching. I am sure that the past three years have been challenging for many of us, but it has totally changed education and teaching. I’ll not dwell on it as I am on winter break as I write this and want to savor every moment of it.

I’ll instead focus on an all time favorite poem of mine:

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” 

by Robert Frost.

Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

The little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and the frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely dark and deep.

But I have promises to keep, 

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

“The Snow-Bird” 

by Frank Dempster Sherman

When all the ground with snow is white, 

The merry snow-bird comes,

And hops about with great delight

To find the scattered crumbs.

How glad he seems to get to eat

A piece of cake or bread!

He wears no shoes upon his feet, 

Nor hat upon his head.

But happiest is he, I know

Because no cage with bars

Keeps him from walking on the snow

And printing it with stars.

We must choose our own happiness and do waits within our power to bring light into our current darkness. A single candle lit illuminates a whole room.

Supplies:  GSLC Bird on a Swing Shape Set , GSLC Catweed Shape SetGSLC Fern Fronds, Small Metal Decorative Lantern, White, Gray, Tan, Yellow, Gold, Copper, Pale Green, Green Gold, Quinacridone Nickel AZO Gold, Radiant Yellow, Color Shift Green Acrylic Paints, Paintbrush, Adhesive Foam Circles, Moss, Battery Operated Tea Light

I cannot wait to see your interpretation of this project. Share it on the Gypsy Soul Laser Cuts Craft Group Page on Facebook. I would love to see what new creations you are working on!

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